Tips & Tricks

Don’t let leftovers go to waste. >

Instead of throwing out old leftovers, compost what you can. By composting, food waste is diverted from going to the landfill where they would eventually break down and be emitted as methane into the atmosphere.

Favorite PC Games >

Element's new gaming monitors are equipped with all the features you need to level up your gaming! Today, there is a mirid of PC games available to play, so we rounded up the top 5 games from some of our favorite in-house gamers.

Perfect Gaming Setup >

Are you looking to level up your gaming setup? Don't know where to start?


Don't worry – we've got you!


The 411 on Blue Light >

What is blue light? The sun contains all colors of light, which each emits different levels of energy. Red light has longer wavelengths gives off less energy, while blue light has shorter wavelengths and gives off more energy.